It's the end of May and what a lovely Memorial Day it was! Beautiful weather. And always the rememberence of our loved ones. A time of reflection and gratefulness.
Lots happened this month. It's always good to see spring develop - grass greening up and flowers appearing all around. And of course, STORMS. A couple of weeks ago we had a bad storm. There was this one burst of terrific wind and boom! down went three trees in the driveway. Other trees were felled on the high road, in JJ's pine nursery, along the run-off creek and so on and so forth. I couldn't get out of my drive way. Dave took off work and drove down to cut up all three trees in the driveway. That helped a lot!
There have been a lot of little creatures visiting the Land. Egrets, (see the white heron in the picture), baby turtles, etc. Enjoy the pictures!
The chapel (still not done inside) is getting some landscaping. That's been fun! Frank and Bob are there today working on redoing the ceiling. I can't wait to see it done. (again)
And best of all! Katie, Chloe and Jack have graduated kindergarten! As my sister said, when she saw the pictures of all three of them hugging - "They really are bonded!" Yep! You can tell they are! Watch out first grade teachers! Here they come!
Enjoy this weather, dear Reader. Talk with you near the end of June!