So much going on! And why not? It's the middle of summer!
You will notice the first photo up above is of my very first born grandchild - Katie with her first bow. She is growing up already! Chloe and Katie are over 3 pounds, and Jack is pushing toward 2 1/2 pounds. Jack, unfortunately, went back on the ventilator. All the babies are growing as well as can be expected, and hopefully, soon, Chloe will be out of the incubator and in a "real" crib. Angela wants them all home from the hospital, but that will have to wait several more weeks at least. I love this picture of Katie!
Joe McShannon left for New York after a week on the Land. He fished some more and caught a good looking bass. It was sad to say good by to him.
Chris Holdenrid and family were out here and did a little fishing. This is a picture of Chris reeling in his favorite (not!) fish - the catfish.
Oh, and yes, Karl Hawbaker and Don Sellers did a super job on extending the overhand on my cottage on two sides (it needed it!). They worked hard to finish before my family came for the reunion. They will return soon to finish residing the entire cottage. I won't know what to do with such an upgraded home!
And oh, how wonderful it was to have my sister and her entire family here. Pat, her husband, has never seen the land with the cottage, Patrick, my nephew brought his new bride, Cristina, from Spain.(That's Patrick and Cristina in row four of the photos. Linda and daughter, Britney, too. They look so much alike!) Nicki my niece and her husband Jeff hadn't see the cottage either. Jeff is the one who put this website together, so he finally was able to see the Land for himself! And beautiful Britney, my youngest niece, who will be a sophomore at Univ of Arizona this fall, was here, too. How fantastic it was to have them all here. And we managed to all use one bathroom!
Our family reunion in Davenport, Iowa (where I was born), was great! So good to see everyone (and their kids - and THEIR kids!). Are we getting old - or what! My uncle Harold and Aunt Mimi (brother and sister of my mom) were honored at the reunion. Mom was unable to make it.
What a group! It was simply wonderful!
When we returned from Davenport on Saturday night, Linda, Pat, me and their entire famiy enjoyed a cookout and bonfire, and of course, s'mores! It was a perfect night - not too hot yet, very little humidity, no strong wind, quiet and relaxing. It was PERFECT. I couldn't have asked for more. What a fantastic week!
Then we took photos on the Land and also at Trader Joe's where I last said Goodby to Linda and family. I miss them so! They left on the hottest day of the year - 100 degrees and high, high humidity. When it was 106 degrees in Phoenix on their return, they felt like it was cool! Just goes to show you what humidity does!
Michael and I celebrated his birthday at FoxFire in Geneva today. Then, this afternoon, after visiting Alice Zeman at her home, Joe and Rhonda Zeman (Alice's oldest son) came over to see the Land. They had never seen it in all these years. How they loved it! Joe was one of the very first pilots in the Air Force who flew the first F-14's to Israel (I believe) many years ago. He's a great guy and Rhonda is such a special lady. It was great to have them visit the Land finally.
So, you see, Dear Reader, it is been quite a summer, and a wild, wonderful, perfect July - even with all the heat. I feel so blessed - with the Land, and with my family and friend's visits. Life doesn't get any better than this!
Keep cool, dear Reader! Nighty-night!