I can't wait to see them. I leave tomorrow morning for California to join Angela, Jeff, the triplets and all of Angela's family.
Jeff sent a picture of Katie at only a few hours old. David Vanderbilt already has Katie becoming a musician with such long fingers! I took the miniture rose picture (above) after I found three little roses budding very early in the morning. (Obviously I didn't get back to sleep after Jeff called me at 4:45AM!) There were only three roses budding - 2 pink and 1 yellow. How appropriate!
Send all of your prayers for their health and well-being. They are going to need all your good thoughts!
Other photos show the stonework that Dave Haury (talented mason that he is) has completed for the greenhouse.
And - I was happy to welcome the Hawbakers to the Land. Kendell and McKenna came with their Dad, Karl. McKenna loved the worms. Kendell caught the big catfish that Karl is holding. What a catch!
All this in the dirtiest pond ever! We had another flood this past week - the 2nd one in two weeks! With the huge flood of last year, well...that makes three floods in a little over a year. Just to think they used to happen every 6 or 7 years. My! the climate is changing, all right.
So, dear Reader, I am a bit keyed up tonight as I prepare to fly to California and see my little grandchildren. Keep them in your prayers, please!