I guess you know by now that time is flying by! Even with all the rain we're having Aaron Armitage managed to rototill the new garden (on Saturday evening after the only sunny, windy day). If you enlarge Photo 3 you can see the new rototilled garden across the pond.
Dave and I spent a whole day putting together a new little storage shed (see photos above) that the directions said would take only 3-4 hours. Oh, well... we can't help it if we are slowwwww. The shed is on the west side of the cottage near the run-off creek.
I also took a picture of the pond from the cottage today, so you can see that spring is, indeed, arriving. Everything is so green!
My neighbor, Norm, from German Road was bicycling along Steward Road and came up the lane for a chat. It was good to see him. He and his wife will be attending the June 20th picnic here at the Land. All sustainable/organic growers are most welcome to attend. Just give me a hollar!
Bud Dickie and Charlie came by to see where they could dump cement along my bank (as per Army Corps of Engineers permit). They are subcontracting for William Charles Company... You will remember what happened last year with the promised concrete from John Goddard at Sipes Company (subcontracting for William Charles). Seems there has been some changes at William Charles, so I am trusting this outcome will be better than last year!
Dave and I have been cutting branches, cutting out stumps, burning the burn piles, transplanting a few yews, and generally trying to stay ahead of the curve. I feel really good about the land and how is will look this year. Anything will look better than it did last year with all those septic tank humps of dirt, water lines and electricity tunnels!
I spent a week in Door County since I last wrote. (See Row 2 and Row 3 photos above) We had two lovely days with hardly any wind, (see drooping flag in photo #7). This is the first time in 6 visits that I was able to walk the beach along Lake Michigan (Whitefish Bay, actually) where we spend our time with no wind whipping me about. Whitefish Bay is rather unpopulated, and has the most pristine sandy beach! The seagulls are quite tame, and were enjoying the weather, too. However, the day we left, there was an inch of snow on the ground! (See last photo taken out of my bedroom window.)
Be happy that Illinois is about 3-4 weeks ahead of Door County as far as warmer weather!
The triplets - two girls and a boy - are doing really well. The doctor says they are a good weight, have strong heart beats, and the little boy was touching his foot to one of his sister's feet. Jeff says they are already bonding. How cute! Angela feels much better. She receives her masters degree in 3 weeks! And then Jeff and Angela move to Denver. Wow! Lots happening in their lives!
Norm was quite impressed with the carriage house. I still am, too. In fact, I still can't believe it. And the land keeps getting more beautiful. You know already, dear Reader, what I'm going to say. I am so fortunate!
Let us keep all the people in the Mideast and African countries in our prayers...I feel for those fighting for their rights - I pray for their safety, for their ideologies, for their innocence under some pretty depressing regimes. I don't know how all this will turn out, but it is truly a historic time. I just hope that all the differences can be settled as Egypt has done - peacefully. And that these young rebels really are fighting for more equal say in their government - more democracy. It will be interesting to see how it goes. If they succeed, will they become more jaded and more like the despots they hope to replace? Time will tell.
The rain continues to fall. I do hope we have some sunshine this week, although very little is promised. Just rain, rain, rain. All I want to do is get into the gardens and plant!
Keep dry, dear Reader, and know I am thinking of you!