Saturday's snow is long melted and the days are warming up again. Today was almost perfect for a March day. Very little wind, sunny and fairly warm. I re-started the fires again this morning which Dave and I began yesterday across the creek. (See photos #1- Dave crossing the creek - and #2 above.) Just so you won't forget how beautiful Willow Creek is, I took a photo from down in the creek. (Photo #3) It is amazing to me how many downed trees there were on the east side of my creek. Dave and I cleared lots of branches hanging over my eastern fence. We have many more to go!
While we were working on the fires, the great blue heron was standing so still (and so folded into itself) next to the lake, that at first I couldn't tell what that dark blue object was. Only by zooming in with my camera could I tell it was the blue heron. (see photo #4 ) What a magnificient bird!
Speaking of birds, while Dave and I were busy with the fire yesterday, several large ducks from Kyle and Jeff's farm came floating up the creek to see what was going on. They must like fires, for they didn't seem bothered by the flames at all. They didn't want to miss any excitement!
This past weekend I attended a birthday party for Dr. Jones, a friend of Michael's at the Country Club in Geneva. That might sound hoity-toity, but it was just a wonderful group of friends. I enjoyed it greatly! That's Michael and Dr. Jones in photo #5. They are best friends and also happen to have been outstanding surgeons. The whole group of us is seen in photo #6. We laughed a lot. Our laughter and the fire in the fireplace warmed us on that cold, snowy Saturday night.
David is home from Cleveland after his heart surgery. He looks great! Amazing how well it all went. His friend, CJ, is helping take care of him, along with Ken. David even walked to and from the post office in Paw Paw today! Unbelievable!
My friend, Linda Turner, in Santa Barbara emailed me that she loved the blog. It makes me feel so good to know she (and you, dear Reader) are reading my blog and feeling like you're part of what goes on out here on The Land. It keeps me writing, even though I'm so tired I could drop!
All is well here. I put in two more rows of peas just as dusk was settling in tonight. The wood in the woodstove is crackling keeping off the chill. Tonight is a clear sky which makes for a colder night.
I hope all is going well with you, too, dear Reader. Nighty-night!